LIA LOOKS: Powder Pink

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

As I told you earlier, I'm currently challenging myself to wear pink as much as I can (as I was always gettin' less confident in pink) and I hereby declare that my current favorite is; 'powder pink'! yaay. Powder pink is as lovely as cotton candy, sweet and addictive! I can't help myself to not wear powder pink on powder pink, whatcha think?

This time I opted for all plain items. I already have my tops and skirt in bright colors, so I put on a darker tone of peach scarf to break the brightness down, of course with a simple hijab style, then added a matching slipper and sling bag. Highlight; the skirt is from @eileen_attic (Instagram shop) and it's no-less-LOVELY. The material is beyond flowy, no sultry, no see-through, and the inner part goes down covering the legs. Totally recommended, go have yours, kay? xD

Well, I struggled a lot controlling my own mood tbh, was worrying if maybe this outfit is too appealing. I actually liked it for moments, like a lot. But unfortunately, I gave up! hahaha. I changed into a less bright one, I had prepared a dark jeans jacket. Anyway, I'm relieved for getting used to wear pink without losing a single piece of confidents now! wohoo, even just for few moments.

Scarf | Annisa Griya Muslim
Pleated Tops |
Flowy Skirt | @eileen_attic (Instagram shop)
Kitten Heels | FairyBerry
Sling Bag | ZaloraID

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13 sweetness

  1. selalu cantikk :3
    pengen kemana-mana pake rok gini, tapi apa daya naeknya sepeda motor ribet banget apalagi sepedanya bukan matic -_-

    1. pake aja mba, aku jg seringan motoran kok, apalagi di Jogja inih, hehe ntar lama2 kebiasaa :)

  2. Sukaaaaa banget ootd nya nya:) Be confident! You look so good in pink;)
    Btw, itu foto di Jogja daerah mana ya?

    1. Thanks for encouraging me!~
      Itu di depan ambarrukmo mbak

  3. Lia, you look stunning in pink :D
    AKu juga orang jogja nih. Itu foto di daerah mana yah hehe

    1. Sama-sama Jogja yah, salam kenaal!
      Itu di depan ambarrukmo :)

  4. ceu, spot foto paling fave yak? ;P

  5. You are very pretty Lia. I like the way you wear all pink for the whole outfit :D

  6. suka banget... soft gitu.. cantik :)
    salam kenal

  7. Salam kenal mba. Aku secret admirer nya mba nih hihihi
    You look so charming tapi tetep sederhana. Cool!
    pake kamera apa sih kalau foto? Bagi info dong mbak makasiih :)


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