Bosen Ngungsi >< Pattern Book

Monday, November 08, 2010

Assalamu'alaikum Wr Wb, yahaa tetep posting meskipun lagi ngungsi. Berhubung di situasi gini ortu dan adik-adik malah pada diluar kota, aku cuma ngungsi berdua sama abangku di rumah adiknya nenek, hadeeh. Jujur--boseeeeeeeeeeeen to the pol! karena kegiatan orang sepuh biasanya cuma liat TV, paling bersih-bersihin debu keliling rumah, terus kegiatanku? ya sama ngebantuin eyang juga dan paling cuma browsing bentar-bentar buka apaan sih hari gini. Nah, mumpung sekarang lagi rehat, aku posting deh, hehe.

Ceritanya, lagi bersih-bersih kamar kerjanya eyang, liat banyak buku-buku semasa beliau masih jadi dosen, dan album-album foto beliau dulu pas tinggal di luar negeri--maklum dosen kondang, heheh. Aku menelusuri rak, and guess what...heheh...sedikit menghibur kebetean saya--I found something cool...a PATTERN BOOK! hehehe. Wawawa aku suka ini! hehehe jadi gak bete lagi karena bisa sedikit cuci mata...

So, in facts, I found few, not only one, hehe, they're soooo vintage, both cover and contents, cos they're from 70's era :D I know that my granny bought them from Aussie, cos they're International label--and no bahasa at all, hehehe...
"Style" Pattern book, AUTUMN 50p, 2756&2766
"Simplicity" Pattern book, SPRING 1977, 7801
"Style" Pattern book, AUTUMN/WINTER 40p, 2044
"Simplicity" Pattern Book, AUTUMN 40p, 8123
"Butterrick" Home Catalog, FALL 1975, 4438

Well I havent checked them all out, so, cant wait any longer to explore 70's fashion, must be so much cool :)) now toodle! hihi

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