Sunday, February 22, 2015

Have you heard about the term boutique hotel? I bet you have heard it all around and about. Boutique hotels now seem to be gaining popularity in Indonesia, especially in a cultural-tourism city such as my hometown, Yogyakarta, where domestic and foreign tourists always coming, one after another. I have witnessed that hotels are developing rapidly in Yogyakarta in the past few years. Even more, there are many new tall building stand (or about to stand) all around the city. I am one of those who think that this is worrisome yet beneficial, haha. 

Anyway, talking about boutique hotels, they usually have quite few rooms, about 10-100 rooms which offer special facilities or unique settings with full service accommodations. Boutique hotels are often individual and focused to serve customer in comfortable, intimate, and welcoming setting, they are likely not gonna be found among the homogeneity of large hotels. 

The unexpected thing is, last month, I get to experience this brand new unique atmosphere of tourism business. Located in Gerilya street, Mergangsan, Prawirotaman II, Yogyakarta, the Greenhost Boutique Hotel stood up to be so eye-catching at first sight. One word to describe it, artsy. With an initial mission of having some scrumptious munch at the hotel's restaurant, I was lured by the oh-mazing architecture of the building starting from entrance up to the top. I can't help myself to not capture every little thing I saw. I satisfied my curiosity over my starve by exploring all over the place first, where I saw many cool things amused my eyes that literally made my day!

The Greenhost Boutique Hotel has about 96 rooms all over the four storeys building, and a yet-unfinished hydroponic garden that (currently) grows lettuces at rooftop. This hotel has a very unique way of decorating their exterior. They get most materials from residues such as dry leaves to make an artificial hanging pine tree, cement-sprayed wall (they purposely don't paint them), PVC pipes for corridor fence with lettuces growing on it, and many more. I may say the genre is Eco-Boutique Hotel.

I get the chance to do hundred selfies that time, lol. I mean, this place is sooo unique, never before seen, it is a hotel, a fresh city farm, and an art gallery at once. The highlight of this visit was the pose in the middle of lettuces, I was so happy, I don't need to leave, I always dream of having a farm in my house so I can supply groceries on my own. The mini farm is definitely an inspiration, and a dream come true!

I was wandering around sight-seeing and capturing things, when two personnel of the hotel came by asking which institution I am coming from, well, I told them I am a blogger, lol. After some chit-chat they invited me to see the rooms, and requested me to take more pictures. They have total 96 rooms, but not all are available, yet only few of them are operating. But only get to experience some of them are so exciting, being a blogger has given me lotsa new opportunities!

Each room has its own design, that is why this place is totally a boutique hotel. There are interior designers working exclusively on a room or several rooms with a theme but different designs. Aside from exteriors, the interiors also came from wasted materials or residues upgraded into useful things such as CFC tube, split in half for lamp caps, a used wood-packing with many spike holes for room ceiling, even a rusty metal plate for closets, here's some sneak peak of what is happening.

A little selfie won't hurt anybody, all right. How do you think? Don't you guys love it? This place is recommended for any people of all ages. Meanwhile, back at the restaurant, I managed to accomplish my initial mission, let's munch munch! The restaurant itself was not less pleasing, it was another standing ovation *clap clap*.

So, for you who are living in Jogja, and apparently won't be needing to rent a place to stay, you can still experience this awesomeness (or I know you want to take lotsa photos, lol). The restaurant is open for public, for nongkrong, nangkring, whatever. The menu is Indonesian-tongue-friendly, price is so-so, I mean totally affordable and down to earth, haha. Let me show you how things are going in the last pics below, and by that, I mean this is the end of the post. Thanks for reading, kindly leave your thoughts, and see you in the next review! Wassalam.

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20 sweetness

  1. Liaaaa aku kapan2 diajak kesini dong kalo mau kesini lagi. Atau kemana gitu tempat oke aku mbok diajak hahaha

  2. Wow keren bangeeet hotelnya. Kapan kapan kalo ke jogja tampaknya bisa mampir ya di sini. I love love love the photos too ♥♥♥

    1. Bener kak mia, silakan dicobaaa mampir, kalau ke Jogja kabar2 yaah, ehhehe

  3. Lucu amaaat hotelnya >___< seriusan jadi pengen ke Jogja lagi..
    Ini ceritanya Lia nginep ya? Kok ada foto bajunya beda hihihihii *sok perhatian *padahal kepo :P

    1. Kak Tia tau ajaa, hahaha, sama temen nih kak, ayoo ke Jogja, jangan lupa kabarin akuu

  4. Wah...kalau Hotelnya tahu, kamu bisa dikasih uang jajan tuh. Kan udaha bantu promosi....

    1. Memang hotelnya tau kok Om, ini saya bisa foto beberapa kamar yang lain karena waktu itu mereka lihat blog saya, lalu pihak hotelnya yang request dan ngasih room tour, hehe

  5. kenapa cantik banget sih kamunya, tempatnya dan foto-fotonya.. kok aku jadi pengen jugak ke Jogjaaaa! *wacana terus*

    1. kak, jangan wacanaa ayo beneraaan kesinii, aku aminin yaa hahaha

  6. Assalamualaikum salam kenal Mbak Lia,
    Aku follower blog mbak udah lama soalnya update banget tentang tempat-tempat hits di Jogja dengan gaya representasi yang super keren (Outfit&fotonya). Kebetulan aku juga blogger dan tinggal di Jogja, aku follow instagram mbak juga dan tau kalau ternyata mbak temennya temenku (Kinanthi Nisa Amani). I do hope that we can meet up directly in the real world and share some stories.
    Keep inspiring ya!

    Oya kalau berkenan, numpang share blog aku:
    Belum sejago mbak sih tapi sapa tahu berkenan mampir hehe.

    Makasih, salaam.

    1. Waalaikumussalam mba Ika, iya saya kenal deket sama Amma, InsyaAllah bisa ketemu yah!
      Okee, terimakasih sudah mampir yaa mba, semoga saling menginspirasi :)

  7. Aaaa lucu hotelnya. Semoga bisa liburan lagi nih ke jogja :)

  8. wwooooow. this hotel is sooooo beautiful..
    let's book there when i visit jogja in sha Allah.
    i hope i can visit before the year ends T___T

    the photos are amazing. kudos sister. :*

    Kai of www.lilpink.info

    1. Yeap let's! hahaha or perhaps you can stay at my place, so we can save more on shopping, hahaha
      Before the end of the year okay, noted, Amin!
      Thanks for dropping by, xx :*

  9. hai.. nice blog dan nice artikel :) kindly visit my blog too yah..


  10. Mbak Ardiatami, apakah boleh saya memakai salah satu fotonya (yg kedua dari atas) untuk tugas kuliah saya? Tentu saja saya akan mencantumkan sumbernya. Namun saya mohon ijin terlebih dulu. Terimakasih.


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