GAUDI & HAVA Opening Celebration at Malioboro Mall Yogyakarta

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Lat weekend was productive and fun, Alhamdulillah. Attended the Opening Celebration of Gaudi Clothing and Hava Indonesia bonus the chance to bond with the lovely fashion passionate people, at the Malioboro Mall Yogyakarta. Without further do, I'm just gonna show you what happened during the event... 
Started with fashion show by Hava Indonesia, my favorite part.
Fashion Show by Gaudi Clothing, I love the collections!
Yah, there was a little chit chat about fashion and styling with bloggers and influencers, and I'm honoured to be chosen as one of the speakers along with @vhiokta @rorodinar @hildaayudya and @hemasnura, you can find them all on Instagram. 
Hijab styling session by Hijabers Community Yogyakarta,
and that's my hijiabi blogger girl Echa doing her thing.
Make over session by Revlon Indonesia

Some other craziness with my bloggers and influencers friends who were kind heartedly come to the event and make it even more heartwarming and exciting. Thankyou girlsss for coming, it's indeed hard to make sure all people ready in a frame, lol.
I can't thank these people enough and how grateful I am to have you all! Yogyakarta Bloggers and Influencers full house in a frame, yay!
I was absolutely, and undoubtedly wearing my favorites of Hava Indonesia, from head to toe. It's just love at the first sight when I'm layering the oversized AGLER top with ALVA dress with ribbon and vest details, it's so unique, and hard to resist!
Some of you probably have known Gaudi Clothing since it was established years ago and way earlier than Hava, but, basically, they're from the same group, and created by the same designer, but Hava is designed for hijabis and modest fashion enthusiast like me. Gaudi has already available in some other malls in Yogyakarta, but this one is the first Hava Store in Yogyakarta.

So Jogja, don't forget to shop and visit Gaudi and Hava new store at Malioboro Mall, because they are now having up to 30% opening discount until April, and at this 25th of March, they will be giving away 750k shopping voucher for those 5 lucky people who came first to the Gaudi Store, and 500k for the other 10 people after, how coll is that! Save the date and don't miss out!

Anyway, thank you for reading, and see you on my next event review!


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3 sweetness

  1. btw sis, muka saya ada yg agak ngga terkendali yaa wkwk

  2. Suka sama outfitnya ^^ design dari Gaudi dan Hava juga bagus-bagus. Wah banyak yah kayaknya event blogger di Jogja, di Solo kayaknya belom sebanyak itu huhu

    xoxo, Kartikaryani

  3. waah HAVA ada di Yogya yaa, baru tau hihi. Kamu kece maksimal Liaaa... uww!!


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