LIA LOOKS : Girly, Not Really

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Assalmualaykum warrahmatullah wabaraktuhu, I'm telling y'all that I'm having a blog post marathon tonight. So, mostly, I'm gonna post about my looks, and the story behind it, so, I hope you enjoy :)

Well, so, these are photos from I don't know when, but all the things that I can remember, I was with my girl, Isma, spending weekend around Masjid Kampus UGM, had some snack from bapak-bapak who was selling food down there, and of course we took some photos. The lighting was not pretty good actually cus I think it was about almost maghrib in Yogyakarta, so, there they are, my 'very very long' post about my a-long-time-ago visit to masjid kampus UGM.

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1 sweetness

  1. Assalamu'alaikum. Salam kenal Lia, mau tanya kerudung yang dipakai itu jilbab paris bukan ya? Kalau iya, boleh minta tutorialnya. :P
    Nyenengin banget mampir blognya, fotonya apik, gaya fashionnya keceh.
    Terima kasih sudah sharing :D


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